Members of the American Pencil Collectors Society receive our newsletter, The Pencil Collector, which is published periodically throughout the year. The newsletter contains articles of interest to pencil collectors, news about other members and new members, paid advertisements, announcements and other information.Members are encouraged to submit articles or news items to the Editor for publication. If your submission has previously been published elsewhere, please try to secure permission from the copyright holder, or supply contact information so the editor can attempt to secure permission. If you wish to submit content for the newsletter by email, send to ''.
Member address changes, reinstatements, and new member applications must be directed to the Secretary, who will then forward membership information to the editor for the next newsletter.
All advertisements must be sent to the Editor (see Officers) for inclusion in the newsletter. Classified advertisements in the newsletter are available to active members only.
Newsletter publication dates are not fixed, and so there are no deadlines for submissions. Every attempt will be made to include submissions in the next publication.
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